Posts with tag talks

PiterCSS 2018

A few weeks ago I attended PiterCSS, the first international front-end conference in Saint Petersburg, Russia. There I gave a talk about creating a performance culture, based on the blog post I wrote recently. You can find the slides online.

Speaking at PiterCSS about Forstering Web Performance Culture

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Speaking at FrontFest 2017 in Moscow, Russia

A couple of weeks ago I attended FrontFest 2017 in Moscow. There were around 200 attendees at Digital October, an impressive venue. I had a lot of fun and met many local developers.

Jose M. Perez speaking at Frontfest Moscow 2017
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Speaking at Alicante Frontend

This week I had a blast speaking at a meetup organised by Alicante Frontend. To me this was really special. Alicante is my home town and it’s also where I studied Computer Science.

Alicante Frontend
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Speaking at JSDayES 2017

I just attended JSDayES 2017 in Madrid, where I gave my talk about images and web performance. It feels great to be back to the same venue where I gave my first talk 4 years ago in SpainJS with Tomás Pérez, who also made it to the event.

I have caught up with lots of colleagues I used to work with in Tuenti, and lots of JS devs from the Spanish community. There is a lot going on in Madrid and the rest of Spain, with very interesting companies building awesome products.

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Speaking at Render Oxford 2017

I just attended Render 2017, where I gave a talk about images and web performance. It’s my first time in Oxford and I was impressed by its beauty. The organisation was great and I had a lot of fun.

The Render Conf 2017 sign by the entrance of King's Centre

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Speaking at CSSConf Australia 2016

I just attended CSSConf Australia in Melbourne, where I gave a talk about images and web performance. It was a blast! Very well organised and with a great atmosphere. In this post I give a short introduction about the event and I include links to the slides, videos and the script. The CSSConf AU 2016 sign at the entrance

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