Posts with tag optimization

Proxy mobile browsers are coming back

Mobile proxy browsers are coming back. For a long time we had Opera Mini. And these days we have seen the release of Opera Beta for Android and an update to Chrome Beta for Android, both highlighting data compression features. And they are not the only ones. About a year ago Amazon introduced their Silk browser with a similar proxy solution to Google’s.

On desktop, although this feature hasn’t become that popular due to the higher bandwidth that is usually available, Opera also had presence with their Opera Turbo feature.

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Image optimization: Lossy, lossless and other techniques

During last days I have come across interesting articles about images optimization. Images are currently the largest average payload in web sites, meaning a 62% of all the bytes. With the increasingly importance of responsive design, responsive images are becoming a challenge to face.

I have already talked about image optimization in my list of optimization techniques and my short post about using jpegoptim. But recently I have read about highly compressed JPG to target high-res screens and progressive JPG images, and I thought it would worth sharing.

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Revisitando la nueva web del Senado

Hace unos días hacía un análisis del rediseño de la web del Senado, justo tras su lanzamiento, desde el punto de vista de rendimiento web y mejores prácticas a la hora de desarrollar sitios web. La nueva web del Senado sufría múltiples problemas poco más que inaceptables para un proyecto tan reciente y con tal presupuesto.

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Optimizing images for web with Google Page Speed and jpegoptim

Image optimization is a big topic these days. The main culprit in site traffic are images, and their transfer size is increasing over time.

You may have wondered how to optimize your images. First, check if there is room for improvement. For that I will be using Google Page Speed, which offers several tools for analyzing your site. One of them is a handy online analyzer. Type there the name of your site and click to analyze it.

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Let's make the web faster - Tips from Google

Through menéame (a digg-like site) I have arrived to a website from Google Code where Google gives some tips and advices to make your site work faster, especially about loading time. Many of the tips are easy to apply thanks to the Firefox extension Google Page Speed that expands the features provided by Firebug.

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