Posts with tag javascript

Removing voice from songs using Javascript

These days I have been playing with the Web Audio API in a small pet project. It consists on a web page where you can drag and drop an audio file and play it removing the vocals. Perfect for a basic karaoke! And it even works on mobile!

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Mloc.js conference in Budapest

These days I have been attending the mloc.js conference in Budapest. It was a nice experience with a great organisation and good speakers working around Javascript limitations (more about that below). Welcome our heroes! at Terminal Building, Budapest

Welcome our heroes! at Terminal Building, Budapest

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Revisitando la nueva web del Senado

Hace unos días hacía un análisis del rediseño de la web del Senado, justo tras su lanzamiento, desde el punto de vista de rendimiento web y mejores prácticas a la hora de desarrollar sitios web. La nueva web del Senado sufría múltiples problemas poco más que inaceptables para un proyecto tan reciente y con tal presupuesto.

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Avoid showing address bar on iPhone when loading ajax

You can find a demo showing the default behaviour and the one using Facebook’s technique. Use an iPhone or iPod Touch to see the effect.

When clicking a link for ajax navigation on iPhone and iPod Touch, the navigation bar slides down and up for every link, even when they are enhanced to support ajax navigation and its click event is captured and we load content using XMLHttpRequest instead.

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Front End Tech Talk - Facebook

Yesterday I watched this Front End Tech Talk by Facebook. I found it very interesting because they explained how they faced the problem of having a lot of javascript code and how they managed to reduce it. I think this can be applied not only to a website of the size of Facebook’s, but also any other project where we could refactor existing code.

We had about 1MB of JS on the homepage

They realized they had a problem with so much JS code and they worked at different levels to shrink it. We had about of 1MB of JS on the homepage

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Lazy loading Javascript: On-demand scripts to faster load times

Loading on-demand code can boost website performance in the sense that the browser does not need to request and execute Javascript code that is not needed. Depending on the script, a different approach can be taken to lazy load it.

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