José M. Pérez

José M. Pérez

Engineer at Facebook and GDE in Web Techologies. Ex Spotify.

Revisitando la nueva web del Senado

Hace unos días hacía un análisis del rediseño de la web del Senado, justo tras su lanzamiento, desde el punto de vista de rendimiento web y mejores prácticas a la hora de desarrollar sitios web. La nueva web del Senado sufría múltiples problemas poco más que inaceptables para un proyecto tan reciente y con tal presupuesto.

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Facebook for iOS: From HTML5 to native

This week Facebook announced an update for their iOS app whose main change is a faster overall experience. Going deeper into technical details, we have “Under the hood: Rebuilding Facebook for iOS“, a nice post explaining what changes have been done.

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Hybrid apps: It's not only about mobile

One month ago I moved to Stockholm to start working at Spotify. For those of you who don’t know what Spotify is about, I will tell you Spotify is a service that offers you legal and free access to a huge library of music. There are Spotify clients for a lot of different platforms, and right now I am working on the desktop one as a web developer. Spotify desktop client showing its HTML5 support

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Webapp first: An approach to developing for mobile

Mobile web apps are not at the same level of native ones. Until browsers don’t implement HTML5 API specifications to access device hardware (device API, audio, video), implement push notifications, and improve general performance (animations, scroll) web apps will not be able to deliver the experience that can’t be reach through native development.

However, there are some advantages when taking a webapp first approach for mobile development.

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HTML5 in Boot to Gecko

I have just read Christian Heilmann’s post about Boot to Gecko and I am very excited to see how HTML5 + JS + CSS3 stack can ever power a mobile phone user interface.

These are good times for web development. It is moving from client side web development, to server side, then to mobile apps, and now as the top layer used to run all the applications of a typical phone. We need browsers and OS makers to push forward these technologies, implementing better Javascript engines, and making reality the latest HTML5 APIs.

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On webkit-only mobile javascript libraries

During the last days I have been looking for a Javascript library targeted to recent mobile devices. Though I am familiar with jQuery, there is a lot of code that deals with browsers and issues that are specific to desktop browsers, but not to mobile ones, at least when working with browsers running on smartphones and tablets. demo running on a WP7 emulator

All of them work seamlessly on webkit browsers, which are the most broadly used ones, but only a few take into account Internet Explorer, Opera Mobile or Firefox.

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Server Sent Events on iOS

You have probably heard about web sockets, which promise to be a better alternative to short and long polling to achieve real time updated websites. But maybe you didn’t know about server sent events. They are nice to send information from server to client using the same server technology you probably have, using a lighter approach than polling.

Here you can find a nice explanation, and you can give it a try by visiting this Server-sent Event Demo from a capable browser.

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Web technologies behind Google+

We are all excited about the Google+ release, and this is a nice opportunity for web developers to find out how some of its more interesting features have been implemented.

I am trying to collect information about implementation details for every innovative functionality that makes Google+ push the limits of web development.

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Avoid showing address bar on iPhone when loading ajax

You can find a demo showing the default behaviour and the one using Facebook’s technique. Use an iPhone or iPod Touch to see the effect.

When clicking a link for ajax navigation on iPhone and iPod Touch, the navigation bar slides down and up for every link, even when they are enhanced to support ajax navigation and its click event is captured and we load content using XMLHttpRequest instead.

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