José M. Pérez

José M. Pérez

Engineer at Facebook and GDE in Web Techologies. Ex Spotify.

Polluting the head section for the sake of adding 3rd party services

Meta tags hell The head section of a page is becoming the place to include information for integrating your page with external services. Thus, if you want to include support for Facebook’s Open Graph Protocol or Twitter Cards, you need to include some custom meta tags inside the head section. This also applies to iOS large app icons or Microsoft shortcut integration.

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Facebook news feed: Unifying mobile and desktop

You probably know already about the redesign Facebook will be carrying out to their News Feed. After reading some articles covering their presentation, there are lots of mentions to “clutter reduction”, “more space for pictures”, “more info about check-ins”, etc. What I personally think is that Facebook has decided, simply, to unify their layout across devices. Facebook News Feed Update

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Proxy mobile browsers are coming back

Mobile proxy browsers are coming back. For a long time we had Opera Mini. And these days we have seen the release of Opera Beta for Android and an update to Chrome Beta for Android, both highlighting data compression features. And they are not the only ones. About a year ago Amazon introduced their Silk browser with a similar proxy solution to Google’s.

On desktop, although this feature hasn’t become that popular due to the higher bandwidth that is usually available, Opera also had presence with their Opera Turbo feature.

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Emigrando a Suecia

Ya hace 8 meses que me mudé a Estocolmo para trabajar en Spotify. Y desde entonces he visto cómo más y más ex-compañeros de trabajo han decidido hacer las maletas y salir fuera de España.

Trabajar en el extranjero era algo que estaba en mis planes desde hace tiempo. Desde luego, estoy muy contento con la decisión que tomé y muy agradecido a Spotify por contar conmigo. Cambiar de país con una oferta ya firmada facilita muchísimo los trámites para obtener un número personal, encontrar vivienda, abrir una cuenta en el banco o recibir prestación sanitaria. Pero algo muy diferente es salir a la aventura.

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Spotify Hack Week 2013

Spotify Hack WeekThis week almost the whole Spotify company have been working on hack projects. Having 5 days to implement your project is a nice thing, especially after having participated in many 24h ones, and encourage you to come up with more complex projects that otherwise wouldn’t be possible to implement.

On the Spotify Labs blog there is a post on how the hack week was organized, and you have a video by Kitchen TV. Spotify Trends Project

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Mloc.js conference in Budapest

These days I have been attending the mloc.js conference in Budapest. It was a nice experience with a great organisation and good speakers working around Javascript limitations (more about that below). Welcome our heroes! at Terminal Building, Budapest

Welcome our heroes! at Terminal Building, Budapest

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Cómo hemos cambiado - Un antiguo proyecto web

Ayer, mi buen amigo Alberto Juan (@aprezia), me enviaba un link a un perfil de GTMetrix. Él sabe que me encanta la optimización web. Y yo le echaba un vistazo rápido a los números y pensaba que se podía mejorar bastante el Page Speed y YSlow de ese sitio. Captura de pantalla del proyecto Inmodomus

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Music Hack Day Stockholm 2013

Last weekend Spotify hosted the Music Hack Day Stockholm 2013 at their office in Stockholm. In the end, 65 projects were built by 162 participants, using APIs from a variety of music services such as Echonest, Musixmatch, Soundcloud, Radio and Spotify among others. Music Hack Day Stockholm

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Image optimization: Lossy, lossless and other techniques

During last days I have come across interesting articles about images optimization. Images are currently the largest average payload in web sites, meaning a 62% of all the bytes. With the increasingly importance of responsive design, responsive images are becoming a challenge to face.

I have already talked about image optimization in my list of optimization techniques and my short post about using jpegoptim. But recently I have read about highly compressed JPG to target high-res screens and progressive JPG images, and I thought it would worth sharing.

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