José M. Pérez

José M. Pérez

Engineer at Facebook and GDE in Web Techologies. Ex Spotify.

Choosing a Platform for Blogging

Or why no single platform is the best one.

As a web developer I consider my personal website part of my portfolio. It’s the canonical site where I write about the topics I care about. It helps me remembering ideas and resources. It also gives me a public presence on Internet beyond LinkedIn and Twitter.

But It’s not only about the contents. It’s also about how they are delivered. My blog is my playground, a space where I can play with browser APIs and put in practice ideas about accessibility and performance.

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My 2017

This year has been a ride. More blogging and speaking at events than ever, and the feeling that it was well worth it.

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Speaking at FrontFest 2017 in Moscow, Russia

A couple of weeks ago I attended FrontFest 2017 in Moscow. There were around 200 attendees at Digital October, an impressive venue. I had a lot of fun and met many local developers.

Jose M. Perez speaking at Frontfest Moscow 2017
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Using SVG as placeholders — More Image Loading Techniques

I’m passionate about image performance optimisation and making images load fast on the web. One of the most interesting areas of exploration is placeholders: what to show when the image hasn’t loaded yet.

During the last days I have come across some loading techniques that use SVG, and I would like to describe them in this post.

Example of a SVG generated using 10 and 100 triangles based on a bitmap image

Generating SVGs from images can be used for placeholders. Keep reading!

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Duotone using CSS blend modes

In a past post I explained how to use SVG and a feColorMatrix filter to apply a duotone effect to an image. This time I’m going to show how to achieve a similar effect with only CSS.

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React Alicante 2017 - A summary of the talks

This weekend I have been in Spain to attend React Alicante. This is the first edition of this conference, focused in React and React Native.

Continue reading to know more about the event and its contents.

Glenn Reyes speaking at React Alicante Glenn Reyes speaking at React Alicante

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Speaking at Alicante Frontend

This week I had a blast speaking at a meetup organised by Alicante Frontend. To me this was really special. Alicante is my home town and it’s also where I studied Computer Science.

Alicante Frontend
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Collaborative listening on Spotify using Connect endpoints

This is a post about a hack project I have been working on lately, and I wanted to share some information about why and how I built it.

tl;dr Here is the demo and the project on GitHub.

C, collaborative room to listen to Spotify

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