Hello 👋 !

I am a Software Engineer who likes web development and performance optimization.

José M. Pérez at PiterCSS frontend conference. Q&A with Vitaly Friedman after talking at PiterCSS 2018 (source)

I believe in the openness of the web and that everyone has the right to enjoy and access its content. I like working with companies to improve their sites, ensuring they load quickly regardless of device and network conditions. From the initial developing process to auditing and analysis.

Currently I am working as a Solutions Engineer at Facebook in Stockholm, Sweden. Occasionally I speak at web conferences and meetups and work on side projects. I’m also a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies.


Don’t hesitate in reaching out if you would like to work together. Talking at your meetup, conference or company? Building new web projects or improving existing ones? Send me an email or contact me on Twitter.

More info about me?

You can follow me on Twitter at @jmperezperez, where I post about web development, or check my GitHub, LinkedIn or StackOverflow/Careers profiles.

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